Category Archives: Weight Loss Diets

The Best Weight Loss Diet Programs to Get Rid Of Unwanted Fat

Are you overweight or obese and want to lose weight immediately? Or maybe you are one of the many people who are confused as to which weight loss diet program is best to help regain a slim and trim body. Well, if you want to really lose weight then you will need to get up to speed on the different diet programs out there and which ones will be best suited to your lifestyle. So following are […]

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The Paleo Diet

I consider this diet so important that I’ve given it its own section. In fact it’s more like a way of life than a diet. All my research and reading has led me to believe that the healthiest way to live is by following what’s known as the Paleo Diet. It is also known as the Paleolithic Diet, the caveman diet, the Stone Age diet and the hunter-gatherer diet. It represents a good way to lose weight […]

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The ABC’s of Dieting

Woman eating a healthy salad

The sad fact is, dieting isn’t easy. You may have read about some of the fad diets and those wonder diets that are “guaranteed” help you lose 20 pounds practically overnight.  But do these diets really work? Maybe yes, maybe no… The problem with most of these diets is that they can help you lose some weight short term, but you may find it hard to keep that weight off once you stop dieting, plus, most of […]

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How To Lose Weight With A Natural Weight Loss Diet

If you are one of the many people who were brought up eating junk food, then chances are you are probably struggling with your weight. Surprisingly, not many people are aware that junk food is one of the primary reasons for obesity. The body is just not able to handle that kind of food. Combine bad eating habits with a sedentary lifestyle and you have a recipe for disaster. Read on for advice on how to begin […]

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South Beach One of the Best Weight Loss Diets

For people who have weight loss problem trying to lose weight and keep it off can be a constant endeavor. Going on a diet only to have the weight come back on after you have finished can be devastating to one’s confidence and self esteem. You may feel like dieting is a total failure as the issues relating to weight loss are not really being addressed. However there is hope for those of us trying to shed […]

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