Category Archives: Featured

10 Steps To Lose Weight Quickly

This article will give you 10 amazing tips to help you lose weight, get into shape and be ready for the next summer season. Keep all these in mind as you go about your day and you will never regret the time you spent reading this. So without further ado here they are: 1.    When you start a diet only mention it to those people who are going to be encouraging and supportive of what you are […]

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4 Vital Steps To Rapid Weight Loss

Finding a diet that is safe and that will give you rapid weight loss can be difficult but it is essential if you want to become slimmer, healthier and fitter. There are a few common mistakes that most people make when attempting to lose weight. These mistakes can cause ill health in the long run. No amount of weight loss is worth the risk of ruining your health. So if you want to lose weight and still […]

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Eating For Better Health – Water

Water makes up 70%-75% of our bodies and is of course an essential part of our dietary needs. We can live for up to four weeks without food but no more than three days without water. It forms the bulk of blood and tissue fluid, meaning that it’s essential for transporting nutrients, hormones and waste product throughout our bodies. Our brains are made up of 95% water, blood is 82% water and our lungs, 90%. If your […]

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Eating For Better Health – Vitamins

A happy woman eating strawberry and grapes

We hear about vitamins all the time but have you ever stopped to ask yourself, what is a vitamin? The technical answer to this question is that a vitamin is an organic chemical compound – or related set of compounds – that cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by our bodies and so must be obtained from the foods we eat. Whew! That’s some definition. But the simple way to put it is that vitamins are things […]

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